Well organized dashboards that enables to access all main features in one click.
Advance Power Curve Analysis.
Comprehensive power curve analysis tools:
- Power curve animation that allows user to understand its development in time in a chosen period.
- Multiple turbines can be ploted at the same time for quick comparison purposes
- Several time windows can be ploted on the same graph
Aerodynamics Efficiency Analysis.
A scatter plot on top a contour map allows user to check whether the turbine is acting as expected from the Aerodynamic perspective.
Power Coefficient analysis.
More than 6 tools to help user to check the aerodynamic efficiency of the turbine.
Load and Power mode analysis
This is a very unique tool t at allows user to know whether the turbine is adjusting properly the power mo e based on the wind sector management strategy
Yaw analysis
The tool has several features allowing customers fine tunning the YAW system. Wind va ne missaligments that has been there since commisioning for 3 years are no longer causing revenue loses thanks to our tool.
Wind (Vibrations)
Multi-methods and
Multi-parameter Analysis
lmprove results reliability using different analysis and diagnosis tools in order to detect, identify and diagnose machine faults from different and redundant points of view.
Multi methods and multi parameter analysis
Main tools for detecting abnormal conditions included on the software.
Overall values
Vibration analysis of ISO 10816 (21) vibration level
registered on all measurement points.
Overall vibration change
Vibration change analysis respecting of a custom defined overall baseline condition.
Main functional descriptors